The Code:
//I had to declare the variables outside of the main code so everything would work consider this my :root directory.
var sum = 0;
let balanceArray = [];
let interestArray = [];
let ppArray = [];
let cumulative = [];
//Get the user inputted Loan Amout, Term, and Interest Rates.
function getInput() {
//user inputted loan amount get
let loan = document.getElementById("loan").value;
//user inputted term get
let term = document.getElementById("term").value;
//user inputted interest rate amount get
let rate = document.getElementById("rate").value;
//Lets make sure they're integers.
loan = parseFloat(loan);
term = parseFloat(term);
rate = parseFloat(rate);
let TMP = loan * (rate / 1200) / (1 - (1 + rate/1200)**(-term));
//console.logs throughout cause its easier for me to see whats happening the debugger hates me :(
//Calling my functions for later.
//Rounding function taken from Mozilla Developer Documentation. This resolves the errors I was getting rounding previously.
function round(x) {
return Number.parseFloat(x).toFixed(2);
//Logic Function
function calculateMortgage() {
//define variables I need for the for loop:
let balance = loan;
let interestCumulative = 0;
//Okay lets count from month 1 to the last month:
for (let index = 0; index < term; index++) {
//and while we're counting from month 1 to the end we need to calculate the interest and balance.
let interest = balance * (rate/1200);
let pp = TMP - interest;
//Formulas taken from coder foundry project spec sheet.
balance = balance - pp;
let interestTotal = (balance + interest) - balance;
//push the balance to an array.
//Total interest push to array.
//push principal payment to array.
//This is basically a cumulative interest counter, it doesn't work unless its in a seperate for loop.
for (let index = 0; index < term; index++) {
interestCumulative += interestArray[index];
//push to interestCumulative
//This code adds together things to give us the sum.
sum = interestArray.reduce(add, 0);
function add(accumulator, a) {
return accumulator + a;
//I need to call the display function or variables used won't work.
//These are to make sure things are adding up properly please ignore, remember to comment them out when done!
//This is a bit of code thats basically the round function but using maps in order to round each entry in the arrays. I ran this 4 times for each array, not sure if this could be better.
cumulative ={
return Number(each_element.toFixed(2));
interestArray ={
return Number(each_element.toFixed(2));
balanceArray ={
return Number(each_element.toFixed(2));
ppArray ={
return Number(each_element.toFixed(2));
//fill the table, total principal, total interest, monthly payments and total cost areas with the data.
function displayNumbers() {
//Display the payment
document.getElementById("payment").innerHTML = TMP;
//Display the principal:
let principal = document.getElementById("loan").value;
document.getElementById("principal-tot").innerHTML = principal;
//display the total interest:
sum = round(sum);
document.getElementById("interest-tot").innerHTML = sum;
//display total cost
document.getElementById("cost-tot").innerHTML = +principal + +sum;
//Display amortization table.
TMP = round(TMP);
let table = "";
let b = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < term; i++) {
table += ``;
table += `${b++} ${TMP} ${ppArray[i]} ${interestArray[i]} ${cumulative[i]} ${balanceArray[i]} `;
table += ` `
document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = table;
Loan Shark
I left my notes in the code to explain each function its doing but to summarize, I input them into the formula for calulating loan interest, and use loops and arrays to generate the repayment table, total interest, and total cost.