The Code:
// Gotta get the values on button click.
//here is our starting function
function getValues(){
//ok this should get the values.
let firstValue = document.getElementById("hey").value;
let secondValue = document.getElementById("yo").value;
//Values to Integers
firstValue = parseInt(firstValue);
secondValue = parseInt(secondValue);
//If these numbers are intgers then run the generate code:
if (Number.isInteger(firstValue) && Number.isInteger(secondValue)) {
numbers = generateNumbers(firstValue, secondValue);
} else {
//If not then ping an error.
alert("Please only enter numbers.")
function generateNumbers(fV, sV) {
//create an array.
let numbers = [];
//for loop to generate the numbers from start to end, from fV or first value to sV or ending value.
for (let index = fV; index <= sV; index++) {
//pump the values into the array I just made, numbers.
//ok now that thats done gimme my finished array plz.
return numbers;
function displayNumbers(numbers){
//this is where we'll pump the numbers of the array into the html.
let resultHtml = '';
//Itterate over the array and highlight divisible by 3s and 5s
for (let index = 0; index < numbers.length; index++) {
//define the index:
let number = numbers[index];
let className = "even";
//create the str for hey.
let hey = 'hey';
//create the str for yo.
let yo = 'yo';
//creat the str for heyo.
let heyo = 'heyo';
if (number % 3 == 0 && number % 5 == 0) {
number = heyo;
className = "both";
else if (number % 5 == 0) {
number = yo;
className = "five";
else if (number % 3 == 0) {
number = hey;
className = "three";
if (index % 4 == 0 && index != 0) {
resultHtml += ' ';
resultHtml += '';
resultHtml += `${number} `;
document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = resultHtml;
The code is structured in multiple functions.
Heyo (or FizzBop)
This assignment is a combination of previous assignments using a loop to iterate over user inputted numbers (examine getVaules function.) to then generate an array (examine generateNumbers) and then displays them with a bit of a twist: numbers divisible by 3 and 5 are highlighted as HEYO (or fizzbop) numbers divisible by five are yo and numbers divisible by three are hey. The part that gave me the most trouble was the if statements in displayNumbers, I had them backwards at first with it being "divisible by 3, 5, or 3 & 5" but as you can see it should be 3 & 5 and if not then 5 then 3. The very last if statement took a bit of testing but it fixes the formatting as it was printing singular rows, with this addition it can print 4 table columns per row!